Aaj ka Manasa Mandi ke bhav
Today's Mandi Bhav - To know the daily market price, below are the links for the mandis of different cities in india.
You can see here today's market price and the fluctuations in the prices of crops, through the report graph of the fast market.
khetiwadi market price website and app is a very reliable source to know market price, through this website, we try our best to give you absolutely accurate price information.
k hetiwadi market price website and app is a very reliable source to know market price, through this website, we try our best to give you absolutely accurate price information.
Crop | Minimum | Maximum |
Soyabean | 4000 ₹ | 4065 ₹ |
Gram (Desi Chana) | 5000 ₹ | 5460 ₹ |
Coriander | 5000 ₹ | 7200 ₹ |
Alsi Seeds Linseed Flaxseed | 5200 ₹ | 5765 ₹ |
Black Mustard (sarso) | 4800 ₹ | 5266 ₹ |
Wheat | 2000 ₹ | 2865 ₹ |
Fenugreek | 4600 ₹ | 5260 ₹ |
Urad | 6000 ₹ | 6300 ₹ |
Lentil | 4800 ₹ | 5960 ₹ |
Psyllium husk | 9000 ₹ | 12100 ₹ |
Today's Mandi Bhav - To know the daily market price, below are the links for the mandis of different cities in india.
You can see here today's market price and the fluctuations in the prices of crops, through the report graph of the fast market.
khetiwadi market price website and app is a very reliable source to know market price, through this website, we try our best to give you absolutely accurate price information.
Today's Mandi Bhav - To know the daily market price, below are the links for the mandis of different cities in india.
You can see here today's market price and the fluctuations in the prices of crops, through the report graph of the fast market.
khetiwadi market price website and app is a very reliable source to know market price, through this website, we try our best to give you absolutely accurate price information.
Today's Mandi Bhav - To know the daily market price, below are the links for the mandis of different cities in india.
You can see here today's market price and the fluctuations in the prices of crops, through the report graph of the fast market.
khetiwadi market price website and app is a very reliable source to know market price, through this website, we try our best to give you absolutely accurate price information.
Deshi Garlic Box Quality | 4000 ₹ | 5000 ₹ |
Deshi Garlic Good Quality | 4000 ₹ | 4300 ₹ |
Deshi Garlic laddu Mix | 3500 ₹ | 4000 ₹ |
Deshi Garlic Laddu Best | 3200 ₹ | 3800 ₹ |
Deshi Garlic laddu small | 2600 ₹ | 3000 ₹ |
Deshi Garlic low Quality | 2000 ₹ | 2500 ₹ |
New Soyabean | 0 ₹ | 0 ₹ |
2034 Soyabean | 0 ₹ | 0 ₹ |